RAYDIO Compilation

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Mr. Coolidge

RAYDIO Compilation

Messagepar Mr. Coolidge » 29/03/05 08:33

After a lot of searching, I was finally able to get the 3 Raydio albums on CD (2 of them being burned from the LP). These albums are usually only available for way too much money (their debut CD is on Ebay right now for !!!$142.00)

So now thanks to a generous trader...I can make my long awaited Raydio compilation....none of this best of ray parker jr. Ghostbusters nonsense...but Raydio...those funky synth-based tracks that are too often forgoten in the late 70's early 80's Funk Pantheon....

and hearing all of the best music together....it's another reminder of how funky and talented this group was....

here's the track listing:

1. Rock On
2. Get Down
3. It's your night
4. You're in need of love
5. Me
6. You can't fight what you feel
7. Hot Stuff
8. For those who like to groove
9. Still in the groove
10. Jack and Jill
11. Goin through school in love
12. Tonight is the night
13. Two places at the same time
14. A woman needs love
15. You can't change that
16. Mor than one way to love a woman


Messagepar Invité » 07/04/05 21:44

You lucky one!
I've burned "Rock On" but miss my vinyl sound...
It is one of my very favourites since it was released, and only read very recently in the French section of the site it was the 2nd...
If somebody could reach the masters of the 3 albums and have them properly CD written, come on, feel free...

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