gr8 site funkygirl

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gr8 site funkygirl

Messagepar » 29/01/05 03:42

Hey funkygirl, I really like how u set up this cool looking site. All of the different options make this web site kick a whole lotta ass. Thanx again 4 all the love u have shown the WhatUp funk family, I also see that u have many other cool bands stuff here. We @ WhatUp r happy that people r responding 2 our music over there and we thank u all 4 your feedback. Keep the music grooving and never stop till u reach the top. Later, Anthony Gadaleta.

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Ms Admynamite
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Enregistré le : 27/08/04 19:19
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Messagepar Funkygirl » 31/01/05 21:45

Hi Anthony,

Happy to see you here :grin:

All the best for the future... You know what I mean... Good health, a lot of project for you and the band, an maybe a new album... :razz:

I said here all the great thing I think about you... :wink:

Keep the Funk Alive Yes !! :mrgreen:

Go to their website :arrow: and listen to their stuff :lol:
Funkygirl ==> I'm a White Free Passionated Funkateer and I'm Proud !

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