This Website All in English...

This Space is primary for the Foreign People : Talk here with us in English cause "One Nation Under a Groove..." :o)
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This Website All in English...

Messagepar Funkygirl » 10/10/04 23:07

I just discover something...

Go to Google and select the translation program...

Select this website adress : and launch the translation between French and your language... You have all the subject approximately translated in English...

Here's the link for tonight... ... uage_tools :lol: :lol: :lol:
Funkygirl ==> I'm a White Free Passionated Funkateer and I'm Proud !

Funkhome - The Funk & Groovy musics Forum
"Funkhome-Le forum de référence, souvent copié, jamais égalé" :cool: Jam & Lewis


Messagepar Invité » 11/12/05 17:12

Il suffit en fait juste de cliquer avec le bouton droit de la souris.... tout en bas de la fenêtre il y a écris "translate in english", on clique dessus et le tour est joué.... (dans 5 minutes ce post sera traduit en anglais) :wink:

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Messagepar Dj-Groover » 11/12/05 17:14

:lol: pas mal toutes les pages en franglish !

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Stand Convention
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Messagepar davepike » 11/12/05 17:14

It is enough in fact right to click with the right button of the mouse.... all in bottom of the window it A write there "relocates in english", one clicks above and the turn is played.... (in 5 minutes this post will be translated into English)

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Messagepar davepike » 11/12/05 17:15

:lol: :lol: :lol: Mouais pas terrible :lol: :lol: :lol: My tailor is rich :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Sista Pat
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Messagepar Sista Pat » 11/12/05 19:31

Euh .. franchement traduction très médiocre ... c'est du 'mot-à-mot' et donc plus rien n'a de sens ... :roll: :lol: je viens de me piquer un bon fou-rire !!!! :lol:
et en plus, moi je m'appelle 'Sista Stalemate' du coup ... (un coup aux échecs .... ) :oops: :lol: bof .. j'aime moyen !!! :lol:

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Ms Admynamite
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Messagepar Funkygirl » 11/12/05 19:38

Si vous connaissez mieux pour faciliter la vie de nos amis étrangers pour qu'ils aient des solutions de nous comprendre "au besoin" ou si vous avez des velleités de devenir traducteur bénévoles, y'a pas de pb je prends :lol:

Enfin Skyyflow il a du trouver une solution, il s'est mis aux cours du soir accelérés en Français... Car peu sont les gens qui font l'effort de parler Anglais... La preuve "This is the English Section " :wink:
Funkygirl ==> I'm a White Free Passionated Funkateer and I'm Proud !

Funkhome - The Funk & Groovy musics Forum
"Funkhome-Le forum de référence, souvent copié, jamais égalé" :cool: Jam & Lewis

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Sista Pat
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Messagepar Sista Pat » 11/12/05 19:46

Yes indeed .. sorry ... I forgot ... !!! Well unfortunately.. I don't know of any reliable 'automatic' system for text .. you will always get words translated more or less correctly, but the sentences hardly make any sense ... :roll: :lol:
Well, I can volunteer for certain special requests, but unfortunately could not do everything, too busy schedule as it is !!! :oops:

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Messagepar davepike » 11/12/05 19:51

Funkygirl a écrit :Car peu sont les gens qui font l'effort de parler Anglais

Sur FUNKHOME mon anglais c'est comme mon informatique je fais du Jean-Claude Vadamme.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

:roll: :mrgreen:

PS : à chaque fois que je peux je poste un texte en anglais pour les "album releases", pareil pour les "european events".

One nation under a groove :mrgreen:

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Messagepar Dj-Groover » 12/12/05 01:21

ouhais c quand m^me marrant avec google, on dirait que c skyflow qui traduit LOL apres y a ; et le mieux c les logiciels qui sont performants mais faut faire page par page, voir post par post,

so for english talkinfunkateer : copy and past in translator ...thats all

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Wonder B
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Messagepar Wonder B » 12/12/05 01:28

Allright FG you know I can do the job so if you ever need some translation do not hesitate to ask as it will be as quickly done as if I was typing in French... the only thing is, do not send me the 80 pages you got on Cameo to start with... LOL

Anything that can be done in a reasonable amount of time is fine with me.... if I can give back a little bit in return for all the work you have done for us I'll be glad to help...

Your shot... :lol:
Wonder B
Sworn to fun
Loyal to none


Messagepar Invité » 12/12/05 02:52

Wonder B a écrit :Allright FG you know I can do the job so if you ever need some translation do not hesitate to ask as it will be as quickly done as if I was typing in French... the only thing is, do not send me the 80 pages you got on Cameo to start with... LOL

Anything that can be done in a reasonable amount of time is fine with me.... if I can give back a little bit in return for all the work you have done for us I'll be glad to help...

Your shot... :lol:

You can trust in Weebee's work : take a look at what he's done on my web site :

Ain't it a good, great & friendly job ? :wink:

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Wonder B
Bibliothèque Nationale
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Messagepar Wonder B » 12/12/05 02:59

Thanks Amiga my main man!!!!

You know it was a true pleasure...!
Wonder B

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Ms Admynamite
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Messagepar Funkygirl » 12/12/05 09:05

Wonder B a écrit :the only thing is, do not send me the 80 pages you got on Cameo to start with... LOL

:mrgreen: :lol: :wink:

OK ok I will remember... It was just to say... it was an idea to help our foreign readers understand us as they can with such automatic translator... I know the translation is funny sometimes... and for sure not perfect...

Dj Groover, comment t'a taclé notre skyyflow... Je vais te faire écrire en anglais comme lui il parle Français, on va bien rigoler :lol:
Funkygirl ==> I'm a White Free Passionated Funkateer and I'm Proud !

Funkhome - The Funk & Groovy musics Forum
"Funkhome-Le forum de référence, souvent copié, jamais égalé" :cool: Jam & Lewis

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Messagepar Dj-Groover » 12/12/05 11:05

why not , i speak english very friendly LOL

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nico k
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Messagepar nico k » 12/12/05 11:18

tu veux dire "fluently" ? :lol:
nico k
"We've been accused of being retro, using old-fashioned instruments, but we're doing it in quite an aggressive modern way. Jimmy Smith and those other artists don't play the way we play. We try to rip it up and really go for it, as in a bunch of geezers who listened to the Sex Pistols when they were growing up, rather than ... I dunno what!"

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Messagepar Dj-Groover » 12/12/05 11:20

non frendly but its just for fun , A N Y T I M E

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Ms Admynamite
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Messagepar Funkygirl » 12/12/05 11:21

Funkygirl ==> I'm a White Free Passionated Funkateer and I'm Proud !

Funkhome - The Funk & Groovy musics Forum
"Funkhome-Le forum de référence, souvent copié, jamais égalé" :cool: Jam & Lewis

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Messagepar Dj-Groover » 12/12/05 11:23

:lol: :lol:

i talk inglish like skyyflow talkin french !

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Messagepar Phil » 12/12/05 12:33

DJ-GROOVER a écrit ::lol: :lol:

i talk inglish like skyyflow talkin french !

O.K., but what's important is that the others can understand what you mean, and I think Skyflow is pretty good at that.

And we all know the google translation system is somewhat ...weird ! :lol:

On another side, we must realize the Foreign forumers may have some hard time trying to understand some typical French expressions like "ca déchire sa mémé" ! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Messagepar Dj-Groover » 18/12/06 16:26

a proposition to try to bring funk players here in the English corner contactin us via myspace (or others contact places) :

- create a topic here with the band name for the title, with a presentation and there myspace link in the first post..
- contact them on there myspace and give them the funkhome link of the topic here, with an invitation to talk about them and send a little message here to there french funkateers and fans

...request, wait and see

i will try to do a few when i got time, hope you will too...

info to post an image or a link in a myspace message >

...Hy would U come and post a word to your french funkateers fans here :...

<a href=" Link of the topic here in english corner"
Click here please (or other things..)</a>

<img src="http:// ...image link or link ...">

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Messagepar weverfunk » 15/04/07 19:22

hiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa all!!!!

i'm Eva from Barcelona (Spain)
and I can understand you at all couse it's hard to me to speak english too! Maybe sometimes i'll say something with no sense (i do what i can :oops: ) so excuse me in advance! :roll:
The thing is that i can understand most of it in english of course! and i can also understand many many things in french (3 years ago I did some basic french lessons and you know! i'm next to you! hehehehe :twisted: ) .... i would like to know if I can participate writting in english in your french sections , just in case i find somethin interesting to comment on..... I don't want to cause you trouble, but i don't know how to speak/write french.

:mrgreen: yeeeaaaah hehehehehe
salute to wonder b and funkygirl!!!! thank you very much for lettin me join this FUNKY site!!! :mrgreen: :wink:

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Ms Admynamite
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Messagepar Funkygirl » 16/04/07 08:40

You can Eva :cool: And if you want to practice french too, don't hesitate but we try our best too in english... We are not all fluent in that language :wink:
Funkygirl ==> I'm a White Free Passionated Funkateer and I'm Proud !

Funkhome - The Funk & Groovy musics Forum
"Funkhome-Le forum de référence, souvent copié, jamais égalé" :cool: Jam & Lewis

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Ben Still'a
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Messagepar Ben Still'a » 16/04/07 11:42

Hey Eva! Welcome to the most active e-community of funkateers in France ;)

I miss Barcelona, even though I was only there for a few days in 2003, but it was just amazing!
It is better to travel well than to arrive.

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Wonder B
Bibliothèque Nationale
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Messagepar Wonder B » 17/04/07 00:52

Hey wever, glad to see you here too... Don't hesitate to post here or elsewhere...
Wonder B

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