Podcast: Tomi Jenkins of Cameo Interview with Joe Kelley

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Podcast: Tomi Jenkins of Cameo Interview with Joe Kelley

Messagepar JoeKelley » 31/12/11 16:39


Tomi Jenkins of Cameo visits the "Upper Room with Joe Kelley and Gi Dussault" for an extended interview and music special. Jenkins talks about his solo recordings and Christmas music. Plus, he goes in-depth about his tours and recordings with funk band Cameo.

To Listen go to http://www.upperroomwithjoekelley.com and click on Podcast Interviews.
"Upper Room with Joe Kelley and Gi Dussault"
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WVOF 88.5 FM in Fairfield, CT

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Ms Admynamite
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Messagepar Funkygirl » 01/01/12 12:52

Ah Joe this is such a great news for the beginning of 2012, an interview of Tomi !!!

Best wishes for you and Gi for the new year !!! Health, Love, Prosperity and a lot of Good Musics. :smile0:
Funkygirl ==> I'm a White Free Passionated Funkateer and I'm Proud !

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