TOP Funk PRODUCERS of the 80's on

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Enregistré le : 14/03/07 16:04
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TOP Funk PRODUCERS of the 80's on

Messagepar FUNKY FRANCIS » 14/03/07 21:51

Hi Funky People!
Please feel free to check my new page concerning producer discographies of the top R&B producers of the glorious '80s:
On the internet I've always been searching for discographies of '80s funk producers but I never found any that were pretty solid. So I tried to make some '80s restricted discographies myself and I hope you like the result!

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Ms Admynamite
Messages : 29479
Enregistré le : 27/08/04 19:19
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Messagepar Funkygirl » 15/03/07 08:44

Welcome Funky Francis :cool:

Thanks for the information... Great Job... Need time to read all later :wink:
Funkygirl ==> I'm a White Free Passionated Funkateer and I'm Proud !

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